06 Mar Michel Malek
Michel Malek

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11/25/97Certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery
11/15/02Certified by the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners
1996Parkinson’s disease, Surgical treatment (Informal), including pallidotomy, deep brain stimulation Director: Dr. Robert Iacono Loma Linda, California
1-1992 to 6-1992Advanced Spine Surgery - The Cleveland Spine & Arthritis Center Director: Dr. Arthur Steffee Cleveland, Ohio
1-1990 to 6-1990Pain Management - The Cleveland Spine & Arthritis Center Directors: Drs. Robert Biscup and Joshi
Skull Base Surgery (Informal) - Chicago Institute of Neurosurgery & Neuroresearch (CINN) Directors: Dr. Yost Mickelson & Dr. Leonard Cerullo Chicago, IL
6-1990 to 12-1990Resident Experience - Cellular Neurophysiology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
1-1991 to 12-1991Chief Resident - Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
1-1991 to 6/1991Children’s Memorial Hospital - Chicago, IL
- Email Consultation : 25 USD
- Video Conferencing : 25 USD
- Clinic Consultation : 25 USD
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