06 Mar Wael Makram Bayoud
Wael Makram Bayoud

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- French
Orthopedic surgery2018-2019University Paris 12Shoulder and Elbow surgery
Master 2 in Biomechanics2017-2019École des Arts et Métiers (ENSAM Paris-Tech)
Sport Traumatology2017 - 2018Sorbonne University , Paris
Arthroscopy2017-2018University Paris 13
DFMS enchirurgieorthopédique et traumatologie2016-2017University Paris 7 (Paris-Diderot)
Specialty in orthopedic surgery and traumatology2011-2016University Saint Joseph (Beirut)
2019- Presento Belle Vue medical center, Mount Lebanon hospital, Sacré coeur Hospital, Abou jaoudé hospital, Rosary hospital, Bhanness hospital, Fouad Khoury hospital (Bekhazi medical group- Hamra), Serhal hospital, Haroun hospital, Middle east institute of health, Al-Hayat hospital, Levant hospital, Hayeck hospital
2018- 2019o CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris: Sport surgery Primary and revision reconstructive surgery: Hip, knee and shoulder Arthroscopy: knee, shoulder and ankle Polytrauma.
2017 – 2018Clinique Arago Paris Hip, knee and shoulder Prosthesis Arthroscopy : hip, knee and wrist
2016 – 2017CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris
- Email Consultation : 25 USD
- Video Conferencing : 25 USD
- Clinic Consultation : 25 USD
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